Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

Hey I just wanted to take a moment to wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving. I know that in spite of whatever craziness I have going on in my life I should take time out to be thankful. I am thankful for so many things and people in my life. I am thankful for my relationship with God that I am always working on. I am thankful for my family and real friends. I am thankful for all of the things that make me smile.

Speaking of happiness and smiling...tomorrow is Black Friday...ohhh so scarey. Now don't get me wrong I so want to go shopping but I will resist for the most part. We all know this means that the countdown for Christmas has began.

Christmas Countdowns

So for those of you who will brave the crowds on tomorrow...Happy shopping

1 comment:

v said...

Sometimes, the crowd is what encourages u to shop. It says that u are like the rest of the other normal people. Sometimes ...