Sunday, November 2, 2008

43 Things

There is a really cool site out now called I heard about it a few months ago when someone was talking about their "bucket list" (you know the list of things that you would like to do before you kick the bucket). Well I never checked it out until a few days ago. Well this site (once you set up an account of course) will allow you to create, update, and be reminded of a list of up to (yes you guessed it) 43 things that you would like to do. They can be longterm goals or rather short it is up to to you. Some are silly, some are deep, some are inspirational but they are goals non the less.

I made up a list of some things that just popped into my pretty little head (okay it is really not that little but you get the point :). I am sure that I will update, tweek, or downright change some of these as I go on.

Check it out and share your list with me.

As always wishing you

Peace and Blessings


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