Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I Don't Wanna Be Your Baby Mama!

In a time when women are deemed as being independent, strong, equals why is it that men do not feel as if they can just be friends with a woman? Why is it that they think if you are nice to them or ask them out for oh I don't know...lunch that you must want to have their baby. Okay, let me explain. I recently was invited to a Halloween party. In an effort to do something different I decided to ask a co-worker who I have a passing cool relationship with. He seems as if he is cool so I asked if he would like to come to the party with me only as friends ( I made this very clear...I even suggested that there may be some fun people there). Well he told me that he had to check to see if he had plans on the night that I asked him. Now for a little background the party is on the 1st of November and I asked him last Thursday. Well Friday, the weekend, and Monday all come and went and he never said anything. So I emailed him and asked if he would be able to go. He sends me this lame excuse that he had things going on during the day and he would try to make it for a couple of hours but that he would hook up with his friends later....whatever!

One of my friends that knows him was like well you are not his "type". He likes little girls with small waists and even smaller butts. Well while he is cute to be a white guy ( oh I guess I did not mention that) he is not my type either. I was just thinking that he might be cool to hang out with. Let me say it here and now I DON'T WANNA BE YOUR BABY MAMA!!!!

Let me say that this is not the first time that a guy has taken my innocent invitation as something more. I also don't know how to take it if I did want something more. I guess I should not take the rejection personally but it is getting kind of hard not to. I believe that a guy and girl can be just friends. Apparently men have a hard time with this concept. I personally think that there is value in having a friend of the opposite sex if just for a different perspective.

I can honestly say that the said guy from work, the guy from the university that I tried to befriend, my friend from my other job, and a few others are missing out on having a cool friend that happens to be a girl.

I have an older lady friend who summed it up by saying that men are not used to a woman that is confident, beautiful, and secure within herself and that I should not give up and that I should not take it personally. She is sure that it is a special person that would have to be in my world. I am going to take here up on this and I hope that this is the case. I am praying for the strength to keep on keeping on and keep on holding on to all that I have to offer and all of me and the glory that God has given me to walk in. As my girl Jill Scott says " I am the real thing in stereo". So there!!!!!!

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