Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Embrace The Change

Change can be such a scary thing. In many ways it is exciting and exhilarating. However, in other ways it can be daunting. I know that I get caught up in doing the same things, seeing the same people in short forming habits that I must say can be hard to break. It got me to thinking why is change so hard? Why is it so darn scary? I don't know what other people's answers would be but I know that the fear of the unknown when I make the change can scare the heck out of me.

The funny part about it is that I am not this way in all areas of my life. For instance I am usually the first of my friends and family to know about a new product, tool, place, etc. I also consider myself an agent of change in the workplace. While I must admit that I do better with change when given some sort of notice so that I may "prepare" myself but once that is done I can usually get on board. Why is this so hard in other areas of my life and the life of others. The only thing that I can pin this on is fear.

I willingly admit that fear holds really strong for me at times. I think that we can all agree that at times a healthy amount of fear has kept us and keep us from doing some dumb things. For example is was fear of becoming a drug addict that made it easy for me to say no to drugs. It was the fear of coming home and telling my mom that I was pregnant in high school that kept me from playing house with my first high school "love" who wanted to get high while playing house so that we could make pretty babies...whoa did I dodge that bullet...(he was so cute...but obviously not full of the smartest ideas).

However when fear starts to control me or make me afraid to take a chance on things that I would most likely recover from if it did not work out I should just jump in right? The two mantras that I try to repeat to myself when I am fearful about something are:

" You have nothing to fear but fear itself" and " God does not give us a spirit of fear but of power, love, and self control" (2 Timothy 1:7)

I know that I tend to do the safe thing most times. I do have one fear that I don't want to come true and that is letting fear rule me so much that it keeps me from living the fabulous life that this fab girl so clearly deserves. So I am saying it right here and right now I will not allow fear to be the main reason (or even one of the top 5 reasons) that I don't do something, say something, go somewhere, or take a chance that I really would like to do.

In other words I am going make it a goal to work on "Embracing the Change" that of course is the Fabulous Thing to do.

Until next time

Peace and Blessings


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