Monday, November 24, 2008

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

Okay, on occassion I will drop a few pop culture things on my blog. Therefore check out this trailer. I like Brad Pitt okay, I mean he is not hard to look at most of the time and I still think that the timeline when he was married and when he got with his baby mama overlapped quite a bit. However, I was checking out an Oprah episode last week and he was on promoting this movie. It opens on Christmas Day and I intend to check it out. The movie is based on a short story by F. Scott Fitzgerald...whose book " The Great Gasby" you no doubt had to read in school.

The premise is that of a man who ages backwards. I mean he is born old and becomes young as he "ages". While he is becoming younger everyone else around him of course continue to age normally. His wife, his son, everyone. It makes you think about life, living, and mortality in general. It looks compelling and it gives new meaning to the phrase "Once a man and twice a child"


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