The Fabulous Life of A Fabulous Girl
The quest of a a Fabulous Girl on her quest to live a fabulous life. I will share observations, tirades, stories and anything else that crosses this fabulous mind. I hope to do it in an entertaining, fun, and dare I say fabulous way.
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
What is Holding You Back From Your Dreams?
Monday, April 12, 2010
Thank You Body!
When people see me they don't believe that I could be shy or insecure on some levels. However, I am here to tell you that it is true. I have allowed myself to sit in the corner and hold the purses while all of my friends dance. I have allowed my spark to hide behind my fat. I have allowed my self worth to be determined to a great deal by the outside package. It is possible to be those things and appear to be part of why I have allowed my body to become as the charts would put it morbidly obese. I have gone on this journey in the past only to fail again and again. I have made excuses like I am just a big girl. I don't look that big. I like me the way I am. But today I am saying here and now that this will be my journey to success. I am going to let my little light shine (or rather my spark :) ). My journey to my current weight was not a short one. I have always been taller than average. I have always been a little larger but it was in my early 20's that I started to creep up more and more and more. I remember the first time that I topped 200 lbs and I was devastated but like many things in life I allowed myself to be okay with that until the weight continued to pile on. I refuse to be looking back talking about when I first topped 300 lbs and so on and so forth.
So where do I start? Well I am on SparkPeople again. I am also using my tools from WW and I am trying to really look inside to figure out what is eating me that keeps me from putting myself and my health first. While I have been gaining the weight my body has still been allowing me to be relatively healthy. I don't have high blood pressure, I don't have diabetes, I don't have high cholesterol, and I can finish most workouts that I start. Therefore I want to start out by thanking my body for not giving up on me even when it appears that I have given up on it! THANK YOU BODY!!!!!!
Now I owe you! I promise to honor you the best way that I know how. I will use the resources that I have to make sure that you are strong and healthy. I will make sure that you represent the beauty that I have inside. I will even love you the way that are today because you have not betrayed me the way that I have betrayed you. Although loving you the way that you are is empowering it does not mean that we will not change together. I will love you as we evolve but I will not beat myself or you up for not being what I want right now.
So thank you body. Thank you so much even though I have let you down. I will continue to be me but better. I thank you for hanging in there with me.
Together we are going to do this thing and be better for it. I'm not the average girl from your video, and I ain't built like a supermodel but I learned to love my self unconditionally because I am a queen. my worth is not determined by the price of my clothes, no matter what I am wearing I will always be me (paraphrase from India.Arie's song Video). Love, Me
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Wow, I Can't Believe It!
- Continue to exercise and finally put a bigger dent in my weight loss (still working out but I have not lost anymore weight. I am moving this to my list for this year because I refuse to give up!). I know that I need to set more concrete goals so I will start holding myself more accountable on this blog and on my page on Look me up as Mslady327.
- Continue to improve myself financially (yes work on getting out of debt) I am doing a debt repayment plan and trying to start working on building up my savings...hopefully I will be almost done by this time next year
- Pay more attention to my personal style (I do good with this most days but I am becoming pretty "regular" with my choices. ) I want to feel more confident as well. I don't always feel as if my style truly reflects who I am on the inside. I think that I allow what is going on with me taint in progress
- Take steps towards a career that I truly love- I applied to a grad program for education but I have not done much more. I was actually thinking about joining a nationally known program to do this quicker but I missed the deadline. I may even do this for next year. I have also started working on "the next great chic lit"
- Turn at least one of my ideas into a moneymaker - see above
- Focus more on the positive - I do this daily so this is ongoing.
- Get my motorcycle license-checking into classes for the spring.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Single Girl Behaviors
- Catching up on my soap operas every week via marathons on Soapnet
- Eating chocolate chip cookies as my bedtime snack often in bed
- Watching Bridezilla and Platinum Weddings
- One of my closets
- Eating ice cream right out of the container ( I don't do this often but still)
- Having to check in with my mate...argh!
- I would have to go undercover with all of the grooming rituals...yes they shall remain a mystery. Although this could only last for so long as he would eventually realize that I don't look perfect all of the time.
Okay so that is just a random thought that was going across my mind. What are some of the single girl behaviors that you are reluctant to give up or have already given up? Please share. I promise to update the blog more now that my life has calmed down a bit.
Until next time
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Thirty Eight and Counting...
You know many people make New Years Resolutions...I am going to start moving my New Year to my birthday. That way it can be all about me. There are things that we put off. people that we don't tell we love, good glasses (dishes, clothing, or whatever) that we don't use unless we have a special occasion. The more I live I really realize that everyday...yes every mundane day is a special occasion. It is my choice as to how I choose to celebrate each and every day. My birthday resolutions for 2009 are as follows:
- Continue to exercise and finally put a bigger dent in my weight loss
- Continue to improve myself financially (yes work on getting out of debt)
- Pay more attention to my personal style (I do good with this most days but I am becoming pretty "regular" with my choices.
- Take steps towards a career that I truly love
- Turn at least one of my ideas into a moneymaker
- Focus more on the positive
- Get my motorcycle license
Okay, that is just a starter list. I will check them off as I finish and you can feel free to hold me accountable.
Now on with the show.
A year older and a lot wiser.
Fab Girl
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
This Moment...This Time

I took the day off from work today so that I could stay home to watch all of the Inauguration events. I really wanted to be in the midst but since I didn't get a golden ticket...I did the next best thing and watched the coverage on CNN and ABC. I know that this day will go down in history. It will be one of those things that go down with other major events of past. You know the ones where people ask you "where were you when...?" I will now be able to honestly say to a child of color that they can really be President of the United States. I know that President Obama is not a savior of any sorts. I know that he has a great task ahead of him. I know that he will not be able to do everything in a short 8 year piece of time. However, to try to express how I feel inside is really...well difficult. You know one of things that they do when you are watching all of the commentary is to throw out a bunch of facts. A few of the most bone chilling include:
· The US Capital was built by slaves
· The White House was built by slaves
· The US Constitution that our new President swears to protect stated that Black men were 3/5 of a man
· In many states when President Obama was born his parents were not allowed to marry due to his father being black and his mother being white.
· As he said in his speech there were lunch counters that would not serve his father.
So to say that we have come a long way is an understatement. I do understand how some people are not for Obama and his presidency and to them I say you have that right. However, I do support this president at this moment and at this time.
I was born in the United States and most likely I will die in the United States as there is no greater country in my opinion. However, I do have this stirring inside, this kinship with my country that I have never before felt.
I am excited about the possibilities, I am excited about a young beautiful first family, I am excited about a dynamic first lady whom I really would like to emulate. You know there used to be a saying when Michael Jordan was playing ball… “I wanna be like Mike” this was catchy and lots of people were singing it. Now you have young people (and old) saying that they are going to do it like Barack. You now have ladies saying that they want to follow in the steps of the new First Lady (you can count me in on this one).
I promise that I will do all that I can to help make the dreams and goals that are right for our country via this presidency a reality.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
I Want To Be A Big Loser

Snugglebug: “Did they pick you for the Biggest Loser?”
Me: Well I don’t know yet they are supposed to call me back
Snugglebug: “Well I hope they do
A couple of days past
Snugglebug: Did they call you yet?
Me: No, I don’t think they are going to call
Snugglebug: Well, if they don’t I know why
Me: Really? Why?
Snugglebug: Because you are not fat enough
Okay, it may sound silly but he was only 6 at the time and that was the best thing that he could have said to me.
I have not seen the Biggest Loser this season but I do have it taped on my DVR and I watch it for some motivation.
I know every year brings about this thing about wanting to lose weight. I did do pretty good during 2008 I lost about 30 pounds but I recently gained about 10 back. I need to get back on the stick because I was in tears last year at this time because I was at my all time high as far as weight. Now back to Jillian Michaels this chick is just hard not only in body but in grit. She really gets results from her team.

I have decided that I am going to up my pledge to myself this year and really devote myself to becoming a better me. I don’t know if I will ever be rock hard like Jillian but I am going to continue on my journey to be the best me that I can be. I will start putting myself and my health first. So yeah you read right...I want to be a big loser in the best way possible.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Sentimental Moment
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving
Speaking of happiness and smiling...tomorrow is Black Friday...ohhh so scarey. Now don't get me wrong I so want to go shopping but I will resist for the most part. We all know this means that the countdown for Christmas has began.
Christmas Countdowns
So for those of you who will brave the crowds on tomorrow...Happy shopping