Okay I admit it….this chick scares me! I don’t know if anyone that reads this blog watches the Biggest Loser but in case you don’t this lady is Jillian Michaels and she is just plain “Bad Ass”. A couple of years ago I braved the cold for several hours so that I could “audition” to be on the Biggest Loser to be tortured (I mean motivated) by either her or the other trainer Bob. If by any chance you have never seen this show it starts off with a group of very obese people and these trainers work them out, talk with them and teach them new ways of eating all with the end goal of winning cash but most importantly winning over their weight. It is not uncommon for the people on the show to loose 15-20 pounds in one week with just diet and intense exercise. By the time the time the end of the season arrives the end result is amazing...so much so you almost cannot recognize the individual that used to be hidden behind all of the weight.
There were so many different people out there who had one thing in common we were all overweight.. The line took forever. Who would have thought that so many fat people (and some of us were really fat) could STAND in line for several hours (admittedly a few brought chairs). Let me first say that I thought I was so in! First of all I have a considerable amount of weight to loose. Second of all the producers came and pulled me out of line and they had me say (into the camera none the less) “My name is “Fab Girl” and I am the Biggest Loser”…I waited with baited breath hoping that I would get a call back but needless to say I did not. As a side note I want to share the one thing that my Godson said to me when I got home that evening.
Snugglebug: “Did they pick you for the Biggest Loser?”
Me: Well I don’t know yet they are supposed to call me back
Snugglebug: “Well I hope they do
A couple of days past
Snugglebug: Did they call you yet?
Me: No, I don’t think they are going to call
Snugglebug: Well, if they don’t I know why
Me: Really? Why?
Snugglebug: Because you are not fat enough
Okay, it may sound silly but he was only 6 at the time and that was the best thing that he could have said to me.
I have not seen the Biggest Loser this season but I do have it taped on my DVR and I watch it for some motivation.
I know every year brings about this thing about wanting to lose weight. I did do pretty good during 2008 I lost about 30 pounds but I recently gained about 10 back. I need to get back on the stick because I was in tears last year at this time because I was at my all time high as far as weight. Now back to Jillian Michaels this chick is just hard not only in body but in grit. She really gets results from her team.
Snugglebug: “Did they pick you for the Biggest Loser?”
Me: Well I don’t know yet they are supposed to call me back
Snugglebug: “Well I hope they do
A couple of days past
Snugglebug: Did they call you yet?
Me: No, I don’t think they are going to call
Snugglebug: Well, if they don’t I know why
Me: Really? Why?
Snugglebug: Because you are not fat enough
Okay, it may sound silly but he was only 6 at the time and that was the best thing that he could have said to me.
I have not seen the Biggest Loser this season but I do have it taped on my DVR and I watch it for some motivation.
I know every year brings about this thing about wanting to lose weight. I did do pretty good during 2008 I lost about 30 pounds but I recently gained about 10 back. I need to get back on the stick because I was in tears last year at this time because I was at my all time high as far as weight. Now back to Jillian Michaels this chick is just hard not only in body but in grit. She really gets results from her team.

I have decided that I am going to up my pledge to myself this year and really devote myself to becoming a better me. I don’t know if I will ever be rock hard like Jillian but I am going to continue on my journey to be the best me that I can be. I will start putting myself and my health first. So yeah you read right...I want to be a big loser in the best way possible.
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