Thursday, April 8, 2010

Wow, I Can't Believe It!

Well, it has been a while since I have blogged. Honestly, I really feel as if I have a ton to say but I don't always find the time to sit down and share it all. I recently had my 39th birthday and needless to say it has shaken me up a bit. I don't mean this in a bad way because I honestly feel that I only have two options I can keep living and in turn keep getting older or I can die. Uhhh, I choose the former. With that in mind I came back here to look at the goals that I set when I turned 38 to see where I am. I did okay but not great. I have had some things go on with me in my life in the past year that have taught me a few things. Some of the lesson have been hard and I am sure that in some form or another I will share them at some point on this blog. Well this is what I laid out last year...let's check my progress:
  • Continue to exercise and finally put a bigger dent in my weight loss (still working out but I have not lost anymore weight. I am moving this to my list for this year because I refuse to give up!). I know that I need to set more concrete goals so I will start holding myself more accountable on this blog and on my page on Look me up as Mslady327.
  • Continue to improve myself financially (yes work on getting out of debt) I am doing a debt repayment plan and trying to start working on building up my savings...hopefully I will be almost done by this time next year
  • Pay more attention to my personal style (I do good with this most days but I am becoming pretty "regular" with my choices. ) I want to feel more confident as well. I don't always feel as if my style truly reflects who I am on the inside. I think that I allow what is going on with me taint in progress
  • Take steps towards a career that I truly love- I applied to a grad program for education but I have not done much more. I was actually thinking about joining a nationally known program to do this quicker but I missed the deadline. I may even do this for next year. I have also started working on "the next great chic lit"

  • Turn at least one of my ideas into a moneymaker - see above
  • Focus more on the positive - I do this daily so this is ongoing.

  • Get my motorcycle license-checking into classes for the spring.

People are asking me how does it feel to be 39 and I can only say at this time that it feels the same as 38 but I guess it sneaks up on you. Well until next time
Peace and Blessings
Fab Girl

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