Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Thirty Eight and Counting...

Okay, so I am coming up on the anniversary of my 38th year of life. Okay that is a long winded way of saying my birthday is almost here. I honestly cannot believe how fast time has flown. One of the questions that you often get on your birthday is how does it feel to be (insert age here) but I really don't have an answer except that it feels the same as some ways. I don't know about others but I do see how time just flies. I am not saying this in a morbid way but it really does just go on by. I will admit that some things are starting to ring more in my head including when/if I am going to have children. If I will ever meet Mr. Right for me...I am just sayin

You know many people make New Years Resolutions...I am going to start moving my New Year to my birthday. That way it can be all about me. There are things that we put off. people that we don't tell we love, good glasses (dishes, clothing, or whatever) that we don't use unless we have a special occasion. The more I live I really realize that everyday...yes every mundane day is a special occasion. It is my choice as to how I choose to celebrate each and every day. My birthday resolutions for 2009 are as follows:

  • Continue to exercise and finally put a bigger dent in my weight loss
  • Continue to improve myself financially (yes work on getting out of debt)
  • Pay more attention to my personal style (I do good with this most days but I am becoming pretty "regular" with my choices.
  • Take steps towards a career that I truly love
  • Turn at least one of my ideas into a moneymaker
  • Focus more on the positive
  • Get my motorcycle license

Okay, that is just a starter list. I will check them off as I finish and you can feel free to hold me accountable.

Now on with the show.

A year older and a lot wiser.

Fab Girl